
Wim Deputter pressure passing

Wim applying pressure to pass a training partner’s guard , photo by Morgane Gielen

The Rules of Pressure in Jiu Jitsu

Moving the body of your opponent requires energy, especially if it’s a strong person.
Instead of moving your opponent, be tight; get a grip, bring your elbows to your hips and your hips to your elbows, turn in a hip.
Make it hard for your opponent to move because of your pressure. Make your pressure so unbearable he has to move. Make it so tight every move he makes, costs him energy.
When your opponent has moved, the situation has slightly changed, adapt to the new situation by changing your grip(s) and move yourself a bit closer, maybe turn in the other hip. Keep repeating this pattern and thus climb the ladder, inch by inch closer to your goal: submitting your opponent.

Check out Wim Deputter’s Instructional; The Mirroring Principle – The Hidden and Essential Mechanics of Pressure Passing